Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Heaths!

We hope that this blog finds all of you happy and healthy! It has been a fun and exciting year for us as we moved from Central Georgia to the beach. In late August, we moved to Sonya’s hometown of Charleston, South Carolina.


Sonya is now the weekend meteorologist at WCIV, which is known as Channel 4 by folks in the Lowcountry. She not only does weather but reports three days a week, which means covering anything from sea turtles being released to school board meetings. Her new gig keeps her busy, but she is enjoying it so far. She has also rejoined the Charleston Community Band which she played with in high school.

Ed has almost completed his MBA and will finish his last class online this spring. He is still working part-time for his old company in Wilmington as well. The hope is that he’ll “land” a job here in Charleston soon. He is still playing soccer as often as he can. The fall season wasn’t what you would call “winning”, but he did get a lot of play time.

We competed in our first sprint triathlon in April. It was a 500 meter swim, 12.4 mile bike ride, and 3.1 mile bike ride in Charleston. We liked it so much that we did another one in June in Macon. We are happy to say that we are triathletes and are looking forward to doing more in the spring when it warms back up! We are also planning on doing a half marathon this winter, which Sonya says will be her one and only. We have already done two 5ks, the Race for the Cure and the James Island Connector Run, and plan on doing the Bridge Run in the spring, which is a 10k. Since we both hit 30 this year, we are trying to stay active!


Abbie and Blondie love being back in the Charleston. They have 3 pet sitters at their fingertips: Sonya’s mom, Sonya’s dad and Sonya’s brother. It’s a safe bet that they will never be boarded here!

We hope that you’ll come visit us in Charleston…after all it was named the #1 city in the country to visit by Conde Nast. J We do have an extra bedroom at our apartment in Mt. Pleasant and always love to see family and friends.