Blondie has been around for half of my life...we got her when I was a junior in high school. She was definitely a member of the family growing up and came to live with Ed and I almost 7 years help keep Abbie company.
Blondie was a sweet, loyal dog. 16 years is a long life for any dog but especially one with a heart murmur. As she got older, she was high maintenance but Ed and I loved her so much that we just made those extra things a part of our life. One of us would get up and take her out in the middle of the night (it was Ed alot of the time), she had her own doggie socks so she didn't slide around on our wood floors, she had her own pill box with all her meds, and was the only one that didn't get yelled at for snoring or whining when they were hungry. I will miss doing all these things for her and more than anything am grateful that she did her part to get me ready to be a mom.
She never turned into that croutchy old dog and was so sweet around Weatherly. She would let the baby lay on her like a pillow and fortunately I captured it on camera several times because I will forever treasure those moments.
Blondie, we will always love you. Thanks for your unconditional love, your loyalty, and your in peace sweet dog.